Mergers and Acquisitions

By law firms & industry experts.

4(1 Ratings) 2 Students enrolled English
Created by Shaping Capabilities
Last updated Mon, 08-May-2023
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Course overview


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are complex and intricate transactions that require a deep understanding of legal frameworks, financial considerations, and business strategies. In this course, we have brought together industry and law firm experts to provide a comprehensive and practical overview of M&A transactions. Throughout the course, participants will learn about key legal and regulatory frameworks, tax considerations, financial analysis and valuation, due diligence, dispute resolution, and many other critical aspects of M&A transactions. With a focus on real-world case studies and best practices, this course will equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to execute M&A transactions in a variety of contexts successfully.

Learning outcomes and benefits:

- Practical insights and real-world examples.

- In-depth knowledge and expertise.

- Networking opportunities and enhanced career prospects.

- Recorded self-paced course available for a year on your dashboard.

- E-certificate shall be provided on the completion of the course.

-  50 % off on career guidance service, 40 minutes one to one online career counseling.

- Career guidance by experts of M&A under this course.

- Internships Opportunities for students in law firms, companies, under advocates etc.


What you will learn!!


Module 1: Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitions

- Overview of M&A and its role in business strategy

Types of M&A transactions

- The M&A process and key players


Module 2: Business Valuation

- Understanding the concept of business valuation

- Techniques for valuing a business

- Factors that affect the value of a business


Module 3: Due Diligence

- The importance of due diligence in M&A

- Types of due diligence

- Conducting due diligence effectively


Module 4: M&A Financing

- Sources of M&A financing

- Financing structures and their advantages and disadvantages

- Financial analysis of M&A transactions


Module 5: Negotiating and Structuring the Deal

- Key negotiation strategies and tactics

- Legal considerations in structuring the deal

- The role of advisors in deal structuring


Module 6: Deal Documentation and Closing

- Key legal documents in M&A transactions

- The role of lawyers in drafting deal documents

- The closing process and post-closing activities


Module 7: Cross-Border M&A

- The challenges and opportunities of cross-border M&A

- Legal and regulatory issues in cross-border M&A

- Cultural considerations in cross-border M&A


Module 8: Integration Planning

- The importance of integration planning

- Developing an integration plan

- Key integration challenges and strategies


Module 9: Human Resources and M&A

- The impact of M&A on employees

- HR considerations in M&A

- Developing a HR integration plan


Module 10: Managing Risk in M&A

  • - Identifying and assessing risks in M&A
  • - Risk mitigation strategies
  • - Monitoring and managing risk post-merger


Module 11: Post-Merger Integration and Synergy Realization

- The importance of post-merger integration

- Types of post-merger integration strategies

- Achieving synergy and value creation


Module 12: Case Studies in M&A

- Analysis of real-world M&A transactions

- Lessons learned and best practices

- Application of course concepts to M&A case studies



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0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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